Not long to go now...a couple more weeks and the 2014 Maize Maze season will be underway! Recognised as Industry leader for Maize Maze ticketing, the DigiTickets solution is utilised by the UK's leading maizes to manage their ticketing operations.
Trusted by the following maizes for several years already, we're excited that word continues to spread throughout the Maize Maze community with many new maizes also coming on board with DigiTickets for the upcoming 2014 season - details to be announced soon.
Tulleys Maize Maze
York Maze
Willows Farm
Manydown Farm
Hatton Adventure World
Rectory Farm
Saunders Farm
* Watch this space for 4 new maizes going online in the next few weeks....
With our Maize Maze clients spread up and down the country, from Scotland to the South Coast and everywhere in between - as well as a growing presence in the USA and Canada, you're never far from an a-maze-ing day out!
Get in contact with us to discuss how we might be able to help.
Get in contact with us to discuss how we might be able to help.